emoji story

One day Gordon Ramsay got so tired of making salsa that he decided to watch salsa dancing instead he instantly fell in love with the beautiful salsa dancer her name was Spicy Jalapeno Allison Jones Jr The Third.( you have to capitalize every word in her name, she gets mad if you don’t.) He was determined to make her see how much he loved her. He learned how to salsa dance, and then he asked her to dance. She was at a loss for words! His performance was terrible but she didn’t want to hurt his feelings so she tried to think of the nicest way possible to tell him he sucked. She finally decided that he could handle the truth, no sugar coating it. She walked up to him he had a huge smile on his face, but that changed real quick when she said, “You are the biggest disgrace to dancing I’ve ever seen.” His face got beet red, he was so embarrassed so he went to the nearest trash can and hid, he hid there for hours and hours. Eventually the dance studio closed for the night and the janitor took out the trash. Little did the janitor know that Gordon Ramsay was inside. He woke up realizing that he was moving. he panicked he climbed out of the trash only to find out that he was on a never ending ski lift! so there he sat wasting the rest of his days sitting and waiting, hoping that one day maybe just maybe the ski lift would stop. I got my random emojis using  http://byrdseed.com/emoji/

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